Teams Escape on the Scenic Rim

The last weekend of May saw the inaugural running of the Escape Raid as part of the Escape in the Scenic Rim Festival. In an attempt to bring a more social element to competitive racing, the Escape Raid adopted a unique format where the three main disciplines of adventure racing – trekking, mountain biking and kayaking – were split off into three individual races over two days with camping and […]

An All New Race: The Escape Raid

With the adventure racing season in full swing, it’s time to take a look at what’s in store from Raid Adventures. We’re excited to announce an all new race – the Escape Raid – along with updates from all our other events. The Escape Raid: All New Race The Raid Adventures team, in partnership with the Scenic Rim Council, are excited to announce an all new race: the Escape Raid. The Escape Raid […]