Urban Rogue Final Instructions

Note that this article was first published 4 December 2013 at Rogue Adventure. A PDF version of this information for easy printing can be dowloaded here: Urban Rogue Final Instructions.  Thank you for your entry into the Urban Rogue – a 3 hour metrogaine taking in the Brisbane city Friday night lights on a summer evening.  Below is all the information required for competitors about the event.  Make sure to have […]


Note that this article was first published 11 October 2013 at Rogue Adventure. No, this is not a motivational blog post about the attributes required by adventure racers to reach their goals – its a race HQ anouncement for the 2014 Rogue24 Adventuregaine!  Next years race will be hosted at the Lake Perseverance Active Recreation Centre.  Bordered by multiple state and national parks, cattle grazing country, rocky gorges and expansive lakes, all within […]

The Urban Rogue

Note that this article was first published 20 June 2013 at Rogue Adventure. The Rogue is set to go Urban!  Introducing an all new race to the 2013 calendar, the Urban Rogue will be a 3 hour metrogaine in the Brisbane CBD and surrounding suburbs.  Come experience the city Friday night lights, where you and up to four other team mates will navigate to collect as many check points as […]

Rogue 8hr Winners Report

Note that this article was first published 9 May 2013 at Rogue Adventure. Below is the race report from Gary Sutherland of Team Mountain Designs who won the 8hr adventuregaine course.  If you enjoyed the rogaine format adventure race, make sure you check out Ridgeline Adventure’s Culminator Race in July! With the Rogue Adventuregaine being a 3hr drive from home, I headed up Friday arvo.  Saturday morning was very relaxing, no early start and […]

Rogue24 Wrap Up

Note that this article was first published 1 May 2013 at Rogue Adventure. So the Rogue Adventuregaine has come and gone for another year, reverting back to its original 24hr race format.  The forestry, lake and waterways of the Imbil – Borumba area served up the perfect platform for adventure with a lot of variety on offer over the three disciplines of trekking, biking and kayaking.  Before I get into […]

2013 Rogue Adventure Live Site

Note that this article was first published 23 April 2013 at Rogue Adventure. NEWS Thank you for all those that made The Rogue in 2013 such a success. A full wrap up on the race can be found here.  Look forward to seeing you at the start line in 2014. Liam. Monday 8:28pm – The full collection of photos from the race are now available to download from the Rogue Adventure Picasa site here. Monday […]

The Rogue24 Final Instructions

Note that this article was first published 23 April 2013 at Rogue Adventure. A downloadable .pdf version of the following information can be found at the following link: Rogue24 Final Instructions . Thank you for your entry into the Rogue Adventuregaine in 2013.  The controls have been hung, the maps are at the printers and the final pieces of the organizational puzzle are coming together.  I hope your training has been […]

Rogue24 Adventuregaine Preview

Note that this article was first published 2 April 2013 at Rogue Adventure. So, less than a month out from the Rogue Adventuregaine, and with the finishing touches being made to the course by our setters, it’s time to preview the race and the competition.  The race sold out a number of weeks ago with 50 teams set to take on the challenge of 24hrs of uninterrupted adventure racing with […]

The Rogue24 Is A Sell Out

Note that this article was first published 3 March 2013 at Rogue Adventure. The 24hr Rogue Adventuregaine has officially reached its 50 team capacity and has now sold out. A quick look through the team list reveals a collection of QLD top adventure racing teams, alongside a number of interstate and international outfits that could prove to be dark horses.  Stay tuned for a complete run down on the contenders closer to […]

Borumba is Primed for the Rogue!

Note that this article was first published 4 February 2013 at Rogue Adventure. After a solid 10 hours course setting last Friday, I’m happy to report that the Rogue Adventuregaine course is coming together nicely.  Teams should expect some classic rogaining country with intricate navigation, along with some challenges unique to the Rogue. The Borumba Dam area was impacted heavily by the recent floods, which were the worst the region […]