Length: 24 Hour
Next Date: 2-3 May, 2026
Location: South East QLD
Team Size: Teams of 2 or 4
Categories: Mixed, Male and Female
Class: Colts, Open or Veteran
Disciplines: Trekking, Mountain Biking, Kayaking, Navigation
Organising Team: Rogue Adventure
The Rogue Raid is a race where teams compete to collect as many checkpoints as possible over a 24 hour time period. The Rogue involves multiple stages of the traditional adventure racing disciplines of trekking, mountain biking and kayaking where teams must navigate through the course using a map and compass on a route of their own choice. Each stage is effectively its own small rogaine where competitors may attempt to collect as many or as few checkpoints as they wish, making this event achievable by all levels of athlete. Strategy, precise navigation and perseverance will play just as a significant role as raw fitness. The race will return in 2026 having grown to be one of Australia’s largest 24 hour adventure races.
Enoggera Reservoir, Brisbane, Queensland.

Saturday 2 May, 2026 | |
07:30 | Race HQ Opens |
08:00 | Map Handout |
11:00 | Race starts |
Sunday 3 May, 2026 | |
11:00 | Race finishes |
11:30 | Course closure and presentations |
Teams will be required to attempt multiple legs of alternating race disciplines. Each leg must be attempted in order, and once a leg is completed teams may not return to it to collect missed checkpoints later unless otherwise specified in the course notes. However, within each leg, teams may collect as many checkpoints in any order that they wish. All check points are optional. This format of event allows for a very social atmosphere of racing with teams constantly brought together. Each stage of the Rogue Raid is separated by a transition area where an event official will be present. Any team that makes it back to Race HQ under their own power will be considered ranked with an official result.
Entries for the 2026 Rogue Raid will open in January 2026.
Are you a spectator? Better yet, are you interested in being involved on at a volunteer level? Check out our further information for spectators and volunteers over here.
For further information about the race, contact