2021 Raid 100 Entry Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Team DetailsTeam Name *Category *MixedMaleFemaleTeam Size *24Number of competitors on your team.Class *ColtsOpenVeteranColts: all members 25 and younger. Veteran: all members 40 and over.The team's home town and state/country *Team Facebook page or Blog site linkCompetitor DetailsCompetitor 1 - Name *Competitor 1 - Email *Competitor 1 - Age on Race Day *Competitor 2 - NameCompetitor 2 - EmailCompetitor 2 - Age on Race DayCompetitor 3 - NameCompetitor 3- EmailCompetitor 3 - Age on Race DayCompetitor 4 - NameCompetitor 4 - EmailCompetitor 4 - Age on Race DayAdditional InformationWill you take up the offer of the included pre- and post- race accommodation? *YesNoMaybeNote that teams are welcome to source their own accommodation if they are after more space/privacy/comfort.Team emergency contact names and numbers *Please provide appropriate names and phone numbers to act as an emergency contact for your team (as many as required).Any special dietary requirements?If you think your team qualifies for guaranteed pre-entry (that is, have a QRA/Raid volunteer credit, are an international team or an interstate Adventure1 team) please provide the details here.Any additional comments or questions?I acknowledge I have read and understood the Refunds, Changes and Cancellation Policy and Terms and Conditions as per the Resources page on the Raid Adventures website. Captcha * = EmailSubmit Application